SFB 1032: Nanoagents for Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular and Cellular Reactions

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7th European Workshop on Advanced Fluorescence Methods

Co-organised by SFB1032 and CeNS

05.12.2022 at 08:00  – 09.12.2022 at 15:00 

Location: LMU, HighTechCampus, Großhadern

Program: Please find the program below.


The Institute of Physical Chemistry at LMU Munich together with the SFB 1032 and Center for NanoScience (CeNS) are organizing the European Workshop on Advanced Concepts in Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy Techniques. The workshop is an biennial event offering an intense microscopy training camp with scientific talks from distinguished speakers and hands-on training in advanced fluorescence methods.

Topics range from single molecules to living cells:
Single-molecule FRET, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), Imaging Correlation Spectroscopy (ICS, RICS, ...), Number and Brightness Analysis (N&B, PCH), Time-resolved Fluorescence (Lifetime and Phasor approaches), Single-Particle Tracking (SPT) in three dimensions, ... among others.

The workshop comprises:
I. Theoretical lectures given by experts in the field
II. Practical trainings with hands-on sessions
• Computer/Software training based on data analysis and simulations
• Hands-on laboratory training with fluorescence microscopy instrumentation at LMU (limited availability)


